April 20: Cpl. Joseph Eblin
Cpl. Joseph Eblin joined the Savannah Police Department in 2018 and is currently a patrol officer in the East Side Precinct.
In addition to being a patrol officer, Cpl. Eblin is also a former paramedic and paramedic instructor. Those skills have been potentially lifesaving on multiple scenes, including a more recent instance in March when a 24-year-old woman was shot near Congress and Jefferson streets.. Cpl. Eblin was nearby when the shooting occurred and was one of the first officers on scene. Cpl. Eblin was quickly able to assess her injuries, determine they were potentially life threatening, and start to render aid before paramedics arrived. He further recruited bystanders to assist with rending aid to make sure all injuries were adequately covered. After additional officers arrived with a first aid and trauma kit, he was able to dress the wounds and continue to provide aid. When paramedics arrived, he was able to accurately communicate the extent of injuries and even continued to provide aid in the ambulance enroute to the hospital.
In addition, Cpl. Eblin is a SWAT technician and frequently acts as a shift supervisor. According to his supervisors, he is a superbly effective communicator who mentors other members of the shift and provides medical training, including the proper use of tourniquets.
Join us in thanking him for his dedication to serving Savannah.